Finding Your Zen: Alternative Forms of Meditation

body mind soul Jan 28, 2023
woman walking bare foot on concrete

If you’ve ever tried to meditate only to find your mind wandering and thoughts racing, don’t give up! Meditation doesn't have to be about clearing your mind or finding stillness. There are so many different forms of meditation that can help you find the peace and clarity you seek without the stress of trying to stay focused. Let's explore some alternative forms of meditation and see what works best for you.

Mindful Walking
If sitting still doesn’t work for you, then why not try walking? Mindful walking is a great way to practice meditation while also getting in some exercise. All it involves is taking mindful steps while focusing on your body as it moves through space. Pay attention to your feet as they make contact with the ground and the way your arms swing back and forth as you move. Notice any physical sensations that arise in your body, such as tension or warmth, and simply observe them without judging them.

Guided Imagery
Guided imagery is a form of visualization where you imagine yourself in a calming place that brings peace and relaxation. Perhaps it’s a beach or a forest, or maybe even an imaginary world created from scratch. As you focus on this peaceful place, take deep breaths and let go of any tensions in your body. Concentrate on the sights, smells, sounds, and feelings associated with this place until it becomes more real than reality itself.

Creative Visualization
Creative visualization combines visualization with creative expression by using imagination to manifest positive results in life. Start by closing your eyes and imagining what success looks like for whatever goal you have set out for yourself—be it a new job or starting a business—and focus on how great it feels when that goal has been achieved. Then take out a piece of paper or canvas and start creating art inspired by these positive images that will help remind you of what success looks like each time you look at it.

No two people meditate alike; everyone has their own unique approach that works best for them when cultivating mindfulness and inner peace. Traditional types of meditation may not work for everyone—but there are plenty of alternative forms out there worth exploring! Whether it’s mindful walking, guided imagery, creative visualization, or something else entirely—take some time to find the form of meditation that resonates most with you so that achieving clarity can become an enjoyable journey instead of an uphill battle!


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