Building Resilience in an Unstable World

mind soul Jan 28, 2023
resilient woman celebrating happiness in nature

We live in an unpredictable world. There are so many things that are out of our control, and yet we have to make sense of it all. One way to cope with the chaos is by developing resilience—the ability to stay balanced and positive, no matter what life throws at you. Here’s how to be resilient in a chaotic world.


Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment. Instead of worrying about the future or ruminating on the past, mindfulness encourages us to accept whatever comes our way without judgment. It also helps us recognize our thoughts, feelings, and reactions without passing any judgment on them. Practicing mindfulness can help us stay grounded during times of stress and uncertainty.

Creative Expressions

Finding creative outlets for your emotions is a great way to build resilience. Writing down your thoughts or expressing yourself through art can be incredibly freeing; it allows us to explore our feelings from an objective distance and helps us understand ourselves better. It can also give us a chance to process difficult emotions in a healthy way instead of bottling them up inside.

Practice Self-Care

Self-care is essential for maintaining emotional balance during times of upheaval. It’s important to take breaks from stressful situations and give yourself permission to do something just for you—whether it’s taking a hot bath or going for a walk in nature—so that you can refuel your energy reserves and feel refreshed when you come back into the fray.

Resilience isn’t something that happens overnight; it takes time, effort, and lots of self-reflection. But by practicing mindfulness, engaging in creative expression, and taking time out for yourself whenever possible, you can gradually begin building emotional resilience even during times of chaos and uncertainty. With enough practice and dedication, you will find that each day gets a little easier until one day you can look back at the tumultuous times with greater understanding—and perhaps even gratitude for what they taught you about yourself along the way.


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